So here is a list of things on my mind that I need to attend to:
- sort out my fees for uni this semester;
- do a bit more work on a piece of work I'm hoping to get published soon;
- figure out when all my assignments are due this semester and work out a plan for when I'll work on each of them;
- research PhD scholarships for next year and application deadlines;
- do some more reading for uni and begin my Social Policy assignment which from what I can tell is the only one I have enough information on to make a start just yet; and
- line up a time with the librarian at uni to learn a bit more about setting up searches for some of my more longer term research ideas.
I didn't actually write these in order of priority. I'll focus on number 2 tonight and tomorrow and then put that aside and focus on 3 and 5 on the public holiday on Monday. It's great to have this list written down and out of my head.
Okay, well time to finish this and get to it. Happy Saturday night and hope you are doing something you enjoy:)
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