"The Passionate Play. It's about putting it all on the line and out on the line. It's hard to keep a passionate person down. You can tell them their passion sucks and they'll quickly and eloquently respond with 'So?' You can tell them it can't be done and again they'll say, 'So?' You can tell them it's a waste of time and there are far more important things in life. People of Passion will stand proudly on the language of their origin and calmly reply with another, 'So?' Nothing will thwart the Passionate. Neither love nor money. Torture them with the mundane and they'll triumphantly scream, 'Vive la difference!' When you taste the sweetness of doing what you love, do it. And once you jump into that river of exhilarating passionate living and flow with its current, there's only one direction worth heading. That's straight into the arms of a full and rich life" (Wallman & Flower, 2003, p. 221).
I love these words. I'm looking forward to re-reading the whole book.